Blog Wars 6 – Iron Warriors List

Blog Wars 6 – Iron Warriors List

 So I will once again be carrying the Weemen flag into the breach that is Blog Wars. The Tournament Organiser, Alex, has now approved lists so I thought I would post mine up and let people know what they are in for…HQAbaddon (my only feasible choice...
A few bits of Terrain

A few bits of Terrain

Hi guys – I just thought I would throw up some pics of a mini terrain project I have been working on.A few months back I entered a Kill Team tournament at my local club and they awarded additional tournament points for bringing along some terrain to play with (the...
Iron Warriors – (kitbashed) Chaos Spawn

Iron Warriors – (kitbashed) Chaos Spawn

So here are a couple of conversions I built a few months ago but never got round to painting – well, now they’re done!You might remember that I kitbashed an IW-themed DaemonPrince a while ago – not to use in any of my lists, but in case I got lucky on the Chaos Boon...
Iron Warriors – Vindicator

Iron Warriors – Vindicator

Hi guys – sorry for the sporadic posts of late…geek’age is still happening up North…just at a slower rate of late.Anyhow, here is a little toy I’ve had finished for a month or two but not had chance to take pics of yet – my first Iron Warrior Vindicator. I picked the...
Kill Team Tournament

Kill Team Tournament

So this past weekend my local gaming club, Red Steel Preston, had their first 40K tournament at their new home in Harlequins games store in Preston (after our previous home, Worthy Gaming, closed down).They decided to hold a Kill Team tournament using the most recent...