Iron Warriors – Heldrake

Hi guys, I managed to grab 5 mins last night to take some pics, so I can now post up my newly(ish) finished Heldrake.Boy this model is a doozy! I didn’t appreciate how big (and spiky) it was until I started building it. This one is just a standard build with no...

Weemen at Blog Wars 5

Hi guys, sorry about the late posting – been really busy since Blog Wars. Anyway, I’ll start by saying BW5 is probably been the best one yet, so a massive thanks to Alex for organising it again (you should start doing this professionally…or at least make some money...

Iron Warriors Blog Wars 5 List

Hi all – it’s Blog Wars 5 this weekend and I thought I would share my list ahead of the tournament.As normal for Blog Wars, it’s not a competitive list, although I hope it has a few mean units. It’s not actually the list I would like to take; ideally there would have...

Iron Warriors – Daemon Prince Conversion

Hi guys - not many updates from me recently, a new job is keeping me uber busy, but I have managed to get a little work done on the Weedudes.This is my Iron Warriors Daemon Prince conversion - apologies up front for the quality of the turned out a little...

Pretty Cool Kickstarter for your Wee-dudes

Just thought I would throw this out there quickly: is a Kickstarter making wargaming accessories or more aptly "Toys for your Toys". I've starting getting into...