Iron Warriors – Chaos Lord

Hi all – today I am showing off my newly finished Chaos Lord for my Iron Warriors.It is another model from Hi-Tech Miniatures and is obviously a Perturabo counts-as (the model is actually called Proturbo...) and I will be using him as my primary Lord until Forgeworld...

Iron Warriors – pre-Heresy Terminator squad

Hi everyone. Todays’ offering is my Iron Warriors Terminator squad. These guys have been on my mind for a while – I knew I wanted some Termis, but the CSM ones just didn’t fit with the image of my army in my head (they are too spiky/skull-y...). Really, there was only...

Iron Warriors – Aegis Defence Line

Here is a mini-project I have been working on for my Iron Warriors (I say mini-project, although its actually a key component of my current army build) – an Aegis Defence Line.The conversion from Imperial to Chaos was pretty easy to do – using a rectangular scalpel...

Iron Warriors – Close Combat CSMs

Another update on the Iron Warriors – this is my second squad, a dedicated assault which are armed with Close Combat Weapons and Bolt Pistols.In the Iron Warrior novellas, there is quite a bit about the relationship between an Iron Warrior and his entrenching tool, so...

Last Night on Earth – Board Game

In a change from tabletop wargaming, I thought I would throw up some pics and a mini-review of a board game we have been playing ‘ere up North.Last Night on Earth is a zombie survival game with players taking control of either survivors or zombies (duh...). The game...