Weekend mini-project – Malifaux Ramos Crew

Last weekend I had nothing particularly exciting planned and wanted an excuse to pick up some new toys, so I decided to set myself a challenge and have a mini painting project.RamosI wanted something that I could “finish” in a weekend but would still be a nice...

Iron Warriors – Dakkabrute

Finally – some 40K!!! Ok, I’ve has this conversion sat around for about 3 months now in various stages of build and painting... I got two sets of the Chaos figures from Dark Vengeance and despite liking the Hellbrute, its not overly Iron Warrior-y and I’m not a fan of...

Malifaux – more Guild goodies

Hi guys - I am working on some 40K goodness I swear, but no pics til they are finished (which admittedly seems to be taking forever...maybe because I keep starting up "side projects"), but in the mean time here are some nice Malifaux minis.These are all for using with...

Malifaux – McMourning Crew

Here is the McMourning Crew for Malifaux that I bought and painted for GreyLambs birthday - he's really into Malifaux at the moment (because its awesome) and until recently, hasn't been a fan of painting ll that much.I have literally no idea how the crew plays, but...

Malifaux – Death Marshalls

Happy New Year guys – its been a busy one for me; travelling up and down the country visiting family, so I have only managed to get a little painting done this holiday season. One thing I managed to get finished was these Death Marshalls for my Ortega Crew. I’ve had...