Iron Warriors – Forgefiend

Here is the latest project that I've been working on - a Forgefiend for my Iron Warriors.I was going to leave some of the larger pieces like this until later in the project, but Worthy Games/Red Steel Preston (my FLGS) is having their first annual painting competition...

The6thdegree at Blog Wars 4

So myself and LordHalfpenny have returned back to our normal lives after weeks (ok...less than an hour in my case) of preparation for Blog Wars 4.Yet again, Alex from From The Fang, held a great tournament – with many of the participants now being regulars and I...

Malifaux – The Ortegas

I’ve been interested in Malifaux for ages – I knew that it was a small gang-based skirmish game (so pretty cheap to get into) and instead of using dice it used a deck of cards. A pretty healthy take-up at my local games store/hangout Worthy Games was the excuse I had...

Nids List for Blog Wars 4

A big thanks to Siph and Grazer for helping me make up my mind on what to take to Blog Wars 4.Here we have it:HQTyrant   (Paroxysm, Leech Life, Devourers, Wings) 245ptsSwarmlord (2 Tyrant Guard with Lash Whips) 410ptsTroopsTervigon (Catalyst, Onslaught,...