Chaos Warhound Project – blog post compilation

Hi all - to finish off this series of blog posts (until I get better pics or have a game with the Warhound) I thought I would compile the links to all 18 of the the posts in chronological order to a) hopefully help out anyone else looking to tackle this sort of...

Chaos Warhound Project – Canis Ferrum is alive!!!!!

Well, its been the biggest (geek) project I have ever undertaken, coming in at over 3 months (starting on 05/11/2014 and finishing on 18/02/2015) worth of planning, prepping, building and painting, but the Chaos Warhound is finally complete! I kind of wish I had a...

Chaos Warhound Project – Vulcan Mega Bolter

Hi guys - not many posts left now before this project is complete!Today I'm showing off the Vulcan Mega Bolter that is now finished:  As with every other piece of the Warhound, the weapon is packed with detail...   There's not much more I can say...

Chaos Warhound Project – Plasma Blastgun

With only the weapons left to paint up, I'm really on the home stretch now and even closer to the end of the project now that the first weapon is finished.I was looking forwarding to painting the Plasma Blastgun; it was a chance to really throw a bit more colour onto...

Chaos Warhound Project – Attaching the Torso

Morning peoples - after a bit of a lull, we are back to making progress on the Warhound.The last post was about finishing the torso paint job, so now we need to look at attaching it to the legs - but first the head needs attaching and some cabling needs connecting...