Chaos Warhound Project – finishing the Torso

Hi guys - I've been working on the Torso recently, which has been a pretty big step in the Warhound project and has taken the last week or two to finish (as well as being uber busy with work).So, the interiors were already finished (see here and here), so I carefully...

Chaos Warhound Project – Painting the Carapace

I'm back again (told you I was making a lot of progress!) and this time it is the carapace that is finished.You can see here, the torso ceiling section that fits into the carapace, that I finished earlier in the project.Build-wise, the carapace wasn't that tricky; I...

Chaos Warhound Project – painting the Head

Hi all - starting to feel like I am making some real progress on the Warhound now, so next thing to show you is the head that I have finished.I started with the interior and painted up the pilots to match the uniform of the engineer who was unfortunate enough to be...

Chaos Warhound Project – Legs

Happy New Year all - hope you had a good one!Today I am showing off the work I have done on the Warhound legs (click here for the build stages) which are now finished.The legs were by far the biggest job to paint to-date, as all the other pieces have been done in...