Chaos Warhound Project –getting mobile

Chaos Warhound Project –getting mobile

Hi all, so when I left off, I had built the first foot and received a second Warhound – since then I have built up a base, the second foot and legs up to the hips – which I think has taken in the region of 15 – 20 hours over the space of a few days (so yes – my...
Chaos Warhound Project – double trouble!

Chaos Warhound Project – double trouble!

A short non-building post today…So a couple of days ago I had a Royal Mail pick up slip pushed through my door – very strange as I hadn't ordered anything recently… in fact the last thing I ordered was the Warhound. Me and LordH had a quick back and forward joking...
Chaos Warhound Project – the first foot

Chaos Warhound Project – the first foot

So – about a week into the Warhound project and I’ve made a good start. I have found a number of tutorials from various blogs which I have found really useful in combination with the FW instructions (which aren’t that clear by themselves).Some of the helpful...
Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath

Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath

Another Blog Wars and come and gone; scores of amateur generals pitted their lovingly crafted armies against each other hoping victory…how did it go for me? Urrrmmm….don’t ask…The actual tournament was great as ever – Alex had improved the format yet again and the day...
the6thdegree – off to Blog Wars 8

the6thdegree – off to Blog Wars 8

Morning folks - just a quick post from me; tomorrow is Blog Wars 8 and despite only having one game of 7th Ed since its release, I will be there with my Iron Warriors - attempting to throw down with the best of them!If anyone reading this doesn't know about Blog Wars,...