Myrmidon Destructors (as Obliterator counts-as)

Myrmidon Destructors (as Obliterator counts-as)

Hi guys - today I am showing off my Myrmidon Destructors from Forgeworld. The second they were released I knew I had to have some as counts-as Obliterators for my Iron Warriors army - and if that accidentally leads to a small Mechanicum force...I can live with...
MkIII Iron Warrior Marines

MkIII Iron Warrior Marines

Hi all! You might have seen that I have a bit of a pre-Heresy related vision for my Iron Warriors; MkIII Iron Armour and Horus Heresy tech just looks stunning IMO and perfectly fits with a utilitarian army that is focused on its wargear. As such, I have been making...
Iron Warrior Cultists (counts as)

Iron Warrior Cultists (counts as)

So these guys are the Cultists I am using for my Iron Warriors. Evidently they aren't GW's offereing - which I like, but dont fit as well with my IW's aesthetic.If you read some of the Black Library books that feature Iron Warriors, you'll hear about them picking up a...
Iron Warriors Forgeworld Dreadnought

Iron Warriors Forgeworld Dreadnought

Today I am showing off another new addition to my Iron Warriors; a Forgeworld Dreadnought. I do like the new Helbrutes, but these Dread's definitely fit into my army much better and I had meant to pic one up for a while now when I saw this mini on eBay going for about...
Ezekiel Abaddon

Ezekiel Abaddon

Hi all - please meet my latest addition to my Iron Warriors and Warlord of my Blog Wars 7 army; Ezekiel Abaddon.This obviously isn't the 40K Abaddon model, he is from the Forgeworld Horus Heresy Character Series.Abaddon is staple Character for CSMs players and whilst...