Confronting The Pile Of Shame

When I heard that Salute was on for November this year, I got very excited… no seriously, like so over-the-top excited I nearly had a fit. My first thought was to get a loot list together, so I started thinking about all the bits I 'needed' to flesh out various...

3D Printing For Newbies – Part 1

This guide is aimed at the complete newbie. When I started looking into 3D printing I knew absolutely nothing and took the plunge off the back of some hasty research. I want other people to avoid some of the pitfalls and blind guessing that I faced, so what follows is...

A New Era

As you can no doubt tell, I've had something of a haitus from the blog. I've actually had something of a haitus from the hobby in general – life just doesn't seem to give time for hobby stuff (other than half an hour here or there),  and that was before a world...

Pre-Salute thoughts

With a little over 3 weeks to go until our day out at Salute I thought I'd have a look back over the last 12 months, the purchases made, and what I'm expecting from this year's event.Last year the purchasing focus was Hordes/Warmachine, though the Malifaux interest...

Goblin Aid

It's in times of the worst circumstances that people come together. Once again our hobby community is showing its mettle when one of its own comes to harm.For those of you who don't know, Kev Adams is a sculptor of great renown within the industry. He is especially...