Thinking About Christmas…

With just over a week until I finish work for Christmas I can't help thinking about how I'm going to spend my holiday time. We will have my mum staying with us for the most part so there won't actually be a lot of time to paint. However, you have to have some kind of...


These are my Plagueletters (nothing to do with anthrax-laced correspondence).They started life as my "Lesser Daemons" from the old Chaos Marine Codex but never saw the tabletop due to my complete loss of faith in the book. They were hiding amongst my un-finished resin...

40k: Creating A (Chaos) Sith Jedi…

After the previous post introducing the latest character in my Chaos army I thought I should demonstrate how he came to be.I've always wanted to somehow combine my two favourite sci-fi franchises into something that would let me re-live childhood days of playing with...

A Talon In The Darkness

Talon was a freelancer.He had been a Chaos Warlord for millennia before he discovered the ways of the psychic. He had spent centuries in isolation studying and learning everything he could. His power was immense and he considered no man his equal. He refused to align...

Something stirs…

As Typhus's call to arms went out across the warp, something stirred in the darkness.The daemons were coming! That's right folks. In addition to the new Plague Guard recruits we have Daemons joining the Plague Marines. There will be no more than an allied...