Nurgle Reinforcements…

Having inflicted a devastating wound on the Dark Angel leadership, Typhus turned his attention to the main invasion of Cherbull. His elite units had made the initial surgical strike and now it was time for the bulk of his forces to play their part… not least his...

Nurgle Forgefiend – A Closer Look

There were glimpses of this monster in the battle build-up and our in-game photos. I've had a lot of inquiries about it so I thought it was time for a close-up look at how I converted the standard kit into something more Nurgly.Adding greenstuff rot and snot to...

Battle of Cherbull – Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

The opening statement in this post-mortem aftermath discussion should be that this was an awesome game. We had big tanks, big explosions, lots of combat (some heroic, some not so) – we even had a flying dragon and zombies! Big thank you to Bull.I had devised a list of...

40k Battle Report: The Battle of Cherbull

After yesterday's deployment report we're straight into the action…On my right, the Speeders swung out further right facing back into the board, giving them a good line of fire next turn. The Vindicator trundled forward, firing its Ordnance weapon at the nearest...

40k: The Battle of Cherbull – Deployment

The build-up to this game has brought tension to almost tournament level, with a lavish helping of narrative and character. The forces of Nurgle were invading the Dark Angel held planet of Cherbull and Typhus himself would be leading this initial Chaos foray into...