More X-Wing…

My fling with X-Wing continued this weekend with a visit to see Bull. Again I stuck with the contents of the starter box, given that it was Bull's first outing in the Star Wars universe.We walked through the basics of the game, Bull flying the X-Wing and I took the...

A Weekend At Windsor

No hobby time this weekend as we took a bit of a break to Windsor. I have never been there before, despite it being less than 2 hours away. Not even the rain could spoil a lovely weekend – it barely stopped for the full 48 hours that we were there.I say no hobby time...

One Year Ago…

I saw this topic posted on Tamsin's Wargaming Girl blog and thought I'd have a quick look to see what I was doing this time last year.The result was rather spooky.On 14th March last year I posted about a game of Malifaux against my regular opponent Fugs.Kirai Meets...

My X-Wing reinforcements imminent…

After my X-Wing intro evening with Chris last week the bright lights got me and I ordered some reinforcements. I got an email this morning to say that they have been dispatched.This will give Chris an X-Wing, a Y-Wing and an A-Wing to choose from (plus the Millennium...

X-Wing Intro Evening

Just over two months since getting my hands on it, last night was the first opportunity to play X-Wing. My friend Chris had come down from Maidstone to have a game… and it turned out to be well worth the trip.Just to set the scene, Chris has never played a wargame in...