Blogger ‘morning glory’

Another month has passed in 2013 already and Easter is appearing on the horizon.February was a very successful month for this little blog. Visitor numbers have been slowly increasing since I came back to 40k and January had been a benchmark month up to this point....

What is going on!?! (non-hobby)

A bit of an odd departure today. Something of an update, a whinge, an observation, a timeout.Back to the real hobby stuff soon.++++++++++Life often gets in the way of our hobby time – it happens, no big deal.Sometimes life deals you a crappy card, you handle it and...

40k Nurgle: Blue or Green?

This weekend I got some painting time. I cracked on with my plague marine unit, getting lots of details finished. All that needs doing now, in addition to bases, is weapons and eyes.The problem is do I go blue or green?I quickly threw some paint on my two plasma...

Plague Marine Progress

I promised you folks some pretty pictures after a week of musings and I'm kind of delivering today. Progress of my Plague Marines has been slow thanks to real life, but here we are – not sure you could call these guys pretty though.It was during my prep for our latest...

Typhus’ Musings: Plague Marine Army Lists

For those of you who like to see pretty pictures of painted miniatures…they are coming. Paint has been applied to models recently after a couple of weeks break, so stay tuned. In the meantime more gaming thoughts.I've spent the last week musing over the Plague Marine...