by The Dark Templar | Jan 30, 2013
I've enjoyed my time altering vehicles for the glory of Nurgle. In fairness I haven't got a handle on the painting of them yet, but the converting has been on the money so far.I've already converted a Forgefiend into something more gribbly. This has been the benchmark...
by The Dark Templar | Jan 28, 2013
I always said that I was going to go back and re-work my old Bezerkers and Thousand Sons once I felt the Plague Marines were done.I started reading the novel Thousand Sons by Graham McNeill a week or so ago and, true to form, I've been bright-lighted by the prospect...
by The Dark Templar | Jan 25, 2013
I stumbled across these guys whilst doing a random search on Google the other day. It is a superb Heresy era Iron Hands army by Sinzaren on Flickr.I was immediately blown away by them, initially because they look like Borg from Star Trek (I think the background...
by The Dark Templar | Jan 23, 2013
Nurgle Heldrake - part 2Finally got an undercoat and some colour on this guy as he's been sitting in a state of grey for far too long.I started off with a Vallejo Burnt Umber basecoat on pretty much everything. I have to admit that this was quite thin...
by The Dark Templar | Jan 21, 2013
Not much progression again this weekend. We've had family staying with us and this doesn't leave a lot of opportunity to do hobby stuff. However, I finally managed to get my (no longer required) GenCon purchases up on Ebay…