40k: Painting My Chaos Sorcerer Jedi

When I built my Sith Jedi, who is cleverly disguised as a Chaos Sorcerer, I was under pressure to paint a fair number of models for my battle against Bull last weekend.On top of 14 Plaguebearers I also had a Great Unclean One. This left me a single evening to throw...

Afterthoughts: Assault on Outpost 13

It's been a busy week thus far so the details of Saturday's battle are a little hazy now, but I'll do my best to come to some solid conclusions.The game was another slug-fest – the kind of game that drains you completely. Very topsy-turvy, neither general knowing...

Battle Report: Assault on Outpost 13

The forces of Chaos pushed on into Dark Angel territory, trying to secure the planet of Cherbull…I gave my predictions as to what I would be facing yesterday, but this is what I found:Interrogator ChaplainCommand Squad x5 / Power Weapon x2Razorback / Extra...

Pre-Battle Thoughts

So here we are again.Bull has given little away in the run up to this next game, whilst I have leaked some of my new additions. Belial has returned from the dead, though not the same man he was. The heroic Command marine, who wounded Typhus, has also had a weapon...

40k: Battle of Cherbull… Phase 2

With the Dark Angel leadership licking its wounds, the next phase of the invasion was to take out their communication capability. The Imperials would be keen to hold onto this as long as they could, increasing the possibility of someone hearing their cries for help....