Avatars in Hybrid lists?

Avatars in Hybrid lists?

What is this madness??Madness? No. This is Eldar!So I've returned after my long holiday break to bring you a controversial (potentially) look at one of the funkiest HQ choices available to an Eldar player. The Avatar of Khaine.Expect many pictures to follow.I warned...

Eldar painting WIP

Picture heavy post this time guys, once again I apologise for the quality of my photos, I'm working with the standard camera I have.So most of my hobby time recently has been devoted to painting up Prince Yriel and my Harlequin squad to a standard that I believe does...

Eldar: The Hack and Slash

So I've been attempting to draw up numerous Eldar lists for my Yriel led Pirates and I have to say I'm having a whale of a time. Everything in this codex seems to have a pull to it that makes me want to field everything!Annoyingly they all cost many points so this is...

Eldar: The beginning

Ok, I love Elves. I just need to get that out the way. Sue me for it later if you want.By the way, this is the first google image for searching 'elf' that isn't Will Ferrel...And that definitely doesn't affect my decision at all...I often wondered what 40k army...


So it has come to this...All credit to XKCDEyes of the Snake is officially one year old today! Happy anniversary.Best. Cake. EverI'd like to throw out a quick thanks to all you readers for sticking with us and also to my fellow bloggers who've helped keep this thing...