High Elves review part II: Lords

Now I finally move on to the second part of my High Elf review. The Lords section has become very interesting with the addition of competition to the almost obligatory Archmage of the last book. The magic items and High Magic are topics too big for me to discuss here...

The Dead March to War

This is truly an exciting time to be a 40k player...The GW website says. Is it actually? Well, in my opinion, yes. In case you hadn't heard there's a new product out on the GW website for pre-order:The Iyanden Codex: Eldar supplement!Yellow, the colour of victory!Once...

High Elves review part I: Core

So yes, it has been a while since I got a post out (a fact I am deeply ashamed of) and so I shall begin to redeem myself. It's been about a month since the new High Elves came out and I think it's about time to start posting my review. I'm going to start with the core...

New High Elves!!!

Well, I've been absent for a while and for this I apologise. And so cue the obligatory, short, 'I'm still alive' post.'It's aliiiiive...'I've been having a busy time recently trying to get on top of my work load and I'm not quite there yet so you'll have to bear with...

To Deep Strike or not to Deep Strike?

That is the Question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of an enemy's first turn,Or to take to Deep Strike into a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them...Slight adaptation of Shakespeare there but I couldn't resist.The point still...