Wights and Ghouls and Bats, Oh My!

I picked up the new Vampire Counts Army Book yesterday with what remained of my Christmas gift cards. Aside from the $41.00 price tag, it's a cool book. Considering the hardcover and full-color layout, I can live with the price increase. I'm not looking to start a...

Am I Really That Old????

I was slapped by a healthy dose of real life this morning, that I want to share. I got out of bed at 6:00am on this beautiful winter morning to wake up my oldest daughter. You see, today she is taking her high school entrance exam. Yes, she is in 8th grade and...

Fastest FW Order…EVER!!!

My Astral Claws, shoulder guards and decal sheet arrived today! Holy Crap! That was the fastest order from Forgeworld...EVER!!! I ordered them over the weekend.I also started working on some test models last night, but I wasn't completely happy with the result. I...

Uh….Yeah….A New Army

It's a new year and it's time for a new army. I've become very interested in the Astral Claws Chapter while reading through my Badab War books from Forgeworld. Collecting Space Marines isn't anything new to me, but collecting renegade Space Marines...now THAT'S new....

Merry Christmas from Kantor Base

On behalf of myself and my family, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May your holidays be filled with love, laughter, family and friends. Oh, and a lot of gaming stuff!