Space Marines Initial Impression Part 1

Space Marines Initial Impression Part 1

My new Space Marine codex came a few days ago so I've had a little time to look at it and I've managed to come up with my usual self-serving over-opinionated thoughts about it.  Once again I've been missing for a few months so I'm taking the opportunity to return...

After-Action report – 1850 Tournament

In my usual prompt fashion, I'm going to talk about last week's tournament at the Gamer's Realm in Hamilton, NJ.  My Tau aren't ready yet so I borrowed a few models and brought my Necrons.  I got to play 3 games in a row so it was a good day.My list had a...

Fail Speed Ahead!

This year GW has changed their release format drastically.  Once upon a time GW would come out with a new army every 3 months or so intermixed with model waves and occasionally broken up by a new main rule book.  Toss in a month or 2 of useless releases...

White Dwarf sucks

There.  I said it.  Last year GW gave their magazine a makeover.  I wanted to wait until we had a good number of new issues before I made my evaluation of this and now I can say with certainty that it's no longer a $9 monthly its a $10...

Cloaking Device Activated…

Today I bring a simple how-to from a most mediocre  I tweeted this guy last week and got some positive feedback, so I figured I'd give away some of my trade secrets on how I did it...Step 1: Paint your stealth suits in your chosen color scheme (in...