Size Matters

For years there's been a debate on game sizes.  Which is better?  Is it the epic massive battle or the smaller engagements?  Both have their merits and flaws.Smaller games are simpler.  The fact that there's less going on combined with the lower...

My First 6th Ed. Experience

Today was my first game of 6th edition and I loved it.  I'll be honest...the last year of 5th ed. I found myself losing interest.  The rules had gotten stagnant and the game balance was basically non-exsistant.  It just wasn't fun anymore.  Then...

Back Again

Yes, I'm back after an unintentional summer off.  6th edition came out, Orkfest was a month ago and I just couldn't think of anything to talk about.  So here's a little update of the last 2 months.In the last few months I've done work on my Empire army,...

This is the end…my only friend…

Well here we are.  6th edition is fast approaching and in just 4 short years since 5th dropped and changed everything, everything is changing again.  5th edition was the first full edition I played, having started the spring of 2008.  5th edition will...

For Sigmar, Part 2

The General returns for part 2 of the Empire.  In this edition, we look at where most of the new units for the Empire live...The Specials and Rares.SpecialReiksguard-They're the same stats as Inner Circle, but they're stubborn.  You don't get the option for...