Well FAQ this!

Well, It’s been a few weeks since the new FAQ’s came out, so in my usual delayed fashion, let’s see what’s changed…what’s good…what sucks and what GW may or may not have been smoking.  We’re going to start with the ones that will affect me since I play these...

More Armies, More Fun!

I'm back for part 2 of my Fantasy army breakdown.  We have some good ones coming up...and a few not-so-good ones.  So on with the breakdown...Ogres- are a newer army and are pretty brutal.  An Ogre is a large, hungry nasty beast…and you can have a whole...

The dead have risen…

Once again, I’m a happy General.  Fresh on the heels of my undead robots getting a much-needed update, my undead bloodsuckers now have a new book.  We got some new toys, some tricks and some interesting changes, and I think VC will go back to being a capable...

Today I join the twits…

So for the few that may have noticed, I have had trouble finding time to post regularly on here.  I come up with interesting little ideas, but there's not always enough there for an article.  More often I get a great idea, but forget it by the time I get...

2011 is Over

Well, another year is over and done and where did it take us?  What were the highs and lows?  And how can I mock, abuse and destroy all of it in one post?  Well, there's no sense delaying the inevitable so I guess a good place to start would...