So what im i working on??

Aloha,Well you my ask your self what is the muffin working on now then?? well im still working on some cryx models for my self and also the skorne army that im building up now. I will go out and pick up the rest of the army tomoz so im all pumpt on that oboy oboy is...

Brodlord V2 and some skorne colours.

Aloha,after getting some feedback on the brodlord all over the net i feelt that i had to give it some colours around the eyes. i knew that a lot of peppol would say somthing about  the eyes that it needs some colour around the face area and so on. But i some how...

Skorne Project is a go.

Aloha ppl,Well now that my Cryx army is soon done after about a year on ice (had a lot of commission back then) i only have about 7 models left to paint, and i have been thinking a long time that id like to have a alt army but i don´t know what. The biff was do i play...

Brood Lord Done.

Aloha,sorry for the lack of post working and been of on a tournament last weekend came 11 out of 28 players so i was super happy. it´s been a long time ago that i got a place that good in a warmachine tournament but now is not the time to talk about that sort of...

work to come.

Aloha,here is a small post on what i have on the table atm, there are a lot of models from different game systems. the most inportent one to get done ASAP is the brood lord that guy is a bit late now. but i have the day of tomorrow and the weekend...