Slave to Darkness: Part Five

<Insert Chaos-y spiel here, whatever it's getting harder to do. Sue me.>Hey all,Hope you all enjoyed your holiday festivities and are anticipating the new year :)Today's post contains MOAR daemons, as I'm debating on what loadout my warriors of chaos will have...

Out with the old, in with the new- 2015 imminent!

Hey all,2014 is almost over (wait what the crap? where did that time go?) and 2015 is almost here. Tonight's short post will be a small review of this year and then goals for the next.Alrighty!C+P'd from January this year were my new year resolutions:Eat healthier...

Slave to Darkness: Part Four

Ah, mortal, again we meet.As you tread down this path to darkness and glory, you will encounter...representatives...of the four ruinous powers. They are the daemons and they come in myriad appearances and guises and are in essence, the power of chaos made...

What’s this? Not a chaos post?

Hey all,Firstly, no chaos post today as there's been a fair amount of rain + general stormy weather around which has dampened most efforts at painting. Am working on some daemons though, so expect a chaos post soonish. Also taking a break from Georgia font, that's for...