Slave to Darkness: Part 2

Slave to Darkness: Part 2

Ah, I see you have survived your first night here. Maybe you do have promise after all, however one night alone is not enough to prove your worth. You must strive every day to please your new masters through worship, combat and sheer force of will. Me? I have sold my...
Slave to Darkness: Part 1

Slave to Darkness: Part 1

Greetings,I hope your journey was uneventful and as safe as can be in these tumultuous times. As the land is bleak here and the climate is cold, this will be a long and harsh journey. I pray that you will survive until the end as if you do, you will be rewarded beyond...
Ebay find! OOP chaos warrior awesomesauce!

Ebay find! OOP chaos warrior awesomesauce!

Hey all,Another post, so soon?! YES INDEED!Ha, well this isn't a new find as I saw it a while back then found it again but for $215 I snagged a shite load of OOP chaos goodies, inc old citadel sprays and paints (hopefully they can be salvaged) and some nifty OOP...
Misc. Musings: What to do with outdated models?

Misc. Musings: What to do with outdated models?

Hey all,I ask as I've 23 old-school, 2nd edition 40k Orks (20 on sprue, 3 stripped of paint) and have little to no clue as to what to use them for. I'm reluctant to put them in a 40k ork army s the scaling doesn't look right.Y'know, these ones (image not mine, but...