Not Dead! Just Busy + Plastic havocs, lol

Hey everyoneI'm not dead, just really really busy with uni, and work- like "wake up at 6am and don't get home until 1am the next day" kinda busy. Like really complicated maths and science busy.So yeah, posting's going down the chute at the momentOn the plus? side,...

[Auspicious Alchemy] 40k: Kitbashing Glory Boys, Part 1

Greetings all! For those of you who don't know me, I am The Warlock. Capital T, capital W.I hail from the merry ol' land of Oz. Loquacious and Lauby were kind enough to offer me a spot here on the HoP as an author. It took a lotta square pink pills of -5 to Screaming...
40k Thought: Spehss Mehren colour woes 2

40k Thought: Spehss Mehren colour woes 2

Hey all,Firstly, please please please please PLEASE don't judge me for the content of this post. I know a certain Xeno will have my guts fer garters, but eh. Your Orangutan Looks Overweight.I've found out my space marine colour scheme...or should I say, schemes.I've...