Classic paints and Astartes woes (again)

Hey all,Firstly- there has been a lack of painting and modelling on this blog. Rest assured stuff will be photographed soon, just in the middle of exams (last one this Sat, followed by a housewarming of sorts) and then hopefully some painting.In accordance with this,...

Putting old grudges aside

Hey all,In order to add a bit more lifeblood into my bank account, plus free up some much needed room, the first lot of warhammer dwarfs are now up for grabs, so hop on over to:HEREFor one of the listings (I have faith that you can navigate to the rest from there...

Trimming fat, tumbling motility and stuff.

Well, the first lot of hobby stuff to sell off is photographed, bubble-wrapped and ready to be listed this Wednesday night on Feebay. I'm prepared to take a hit on money back as ebay is used quite regularly by folks. Since this is most of my dwarf stuff so far,...

Musings of a madman

Ever have an epiphany? where you sit there and all of a sudden, a realisation hits you completely out of left field. A few days back, this happened to me and it's been weighing on my mind so here it is- off the chest and onto a screen for all to silently judge...