Break in hiatus 2: The Tempestening Scones

Hey all,Firstly, still on hiatus...sorta. Put it to ya this way: I'm procrastinating for an exam >.> and that most of my miniature stuff + paints are packed away in CARDBOARD BAWKSES (no, I won't stop doing that :P). I'll get back to study soon but viewing .pdf...
Real Life thought: Spreading wings and goin’ my own way

Real Life thought: Spreading wings and goin’ my own way

Hey all,This is a brief lifting of the self-imposed communications silence as I couldn't really figure out a better place to put this thought. Technically, I'm still on hiatus and in the next few sentences/paragraphs/whatever all will be explained. Firstly, I'm a...

Goodbye for now, but not forever

Hey All,I'm going on hiatus for a while- there's too much going on (uni/work/life juggling- I'm a clown lol) and as a result there's just not enough time for any real hobby activity. This hiatus will not be indefinite. I will return though...and I will have my...

Dropping the ball

Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew. We put our hand up without knowing whether we can deliver on the goods. Sometimes we can't and there's nothing wrong with that- it's life. The important thing is that we dust ourselves off and learn from that...