Sweet mother of monsters, a bat-rep!

Who takes 7th of 9 in a tournament? This Tactical Genius, right here.Another battle report so soon? Well, I’m actually being social for once and attended my first ever tournament (I’m that social) using my Neverborn in a four-round malifaux tournament. I...

Malifaux: Intro bat-rep and review

Hey all,You may have noticed the lack of activity around these parts of late. The main reason, besides those already discussed is that some time back in October ’15, the House interns staged a revolt resulting in a brief Civil War between the Coffee Runners and...

I’m moving!

No, not houses, but blogs.Heading up to wordpress as that looks more professional than whatever I can do here.May link old posts for posterity's sake but eh, whatever works in the future.New place is https://peddlerofmagic.wordpress.com/ so be there or be a...

Slave to Darkness- Part 9 3/4: Back to basing

Ah, mortal.It's been too long, far too long indeed. You see, the forces of chaos are mustering and we will strike down your precious empire in one fell blow. No matter how high you make your walls, we will tear them down. Chaos will reign supreme.Yo,It's been a few...