Insert title here.

Hey all,The anxiety is under control again and has been for a little while now, though blogging has been slow as assignments have bogged me down significantly. As such, nothing much has been done since the 9th or thereabouts. Currently figuring out what I want to do...

Lost and Damned: Recognising time sinks

Hey all, In this post I'll talk about the stuff from last fortnight or whenever which I was going to yammer on about but decided to address other things. Moving on >.> Sadly, the neurological thrill ride that is making time management a reality (You can do it, go...

Anxiety and how it ruins your life.

Hey All,I was so good. So good. I hadn't had any panic attacks or anxiety attacks for three months. THREE MONTHS. Then all because of some stuff on facebook, BOOM! Massive panic attack that felt cumulative.I hate myself. I'd even gotten off medication -that's how good...

DIY: Derp It Yerself

Hey all,Well, something wonderful happened- I finally found a selection of paints that give a red that I'm quite pleased with. What makes me happier is that it's over a black undercoat :DTruly, joyous occasions are to be had! Especially since it's a Monday. HUZZAH!How...

Public Service Announcement

Hey all,It's gonna be a hectic month or two as uni's in full swing now- I've three assignments already. As such, blogging is gonna be to a minimum as is hobbying in general. There's a hobby article in the works once I find the time- all available free time is...