Guess whose back, back again….

WELCOME FANS OF WIN!!!!!!Ill understand if theres not many of you left. Ive been gone for a while, life can slow you down but it cant stop the rock!!Anyway without further a do, hobby time!!I know I promised you a magnetised multi back last time, all those months ago,...

Of Tanks and Jump Packs

Welcome Win fans!!!I present a couple of new units for you guys, I know ive been away from you for abit. Im sorry. Real life has been busy at the mo, but you cant stop the hobby!! Just slow it down a bit.First up, Ive finished a Rhino!! Its only taken me about a year...

You wouldnt like me when im Angry…

WELCOME WIN FANS!!!I come bearing angels, mostly of the angry variety, some more angry than others, but I shall begin with a Lord of Angels.I say angels, I should be saying Flesh Tearers really. This is my Captain for my fledgling army. Im basing my force on the Flesh...

Marching Sternly onwards

Welcome Fans of Win!!You'll remember a couple of weeks ago I painted up a five man squad of Sternguard, well now Ive completed the squad. Happy Smiley!! I had to reverse a previous decision and rip of the Deathwatch bolters from these 5, and convert up 5 Combi-Meltas...

THE NAKED RHINO!! (or, oops im late to pick up the missus!!)

WELCOME WIN FANS!! (Yes, Both of you!!)My Fleshtearers have a new addition this week!!I present to you, the naked Rhino!!But this naked little beauty has some hidden tricks, for one, she can dress in fancy Fleshtearer Livery, like so!!I hand painted the symbols on,...