Busy month

By TheGraveMind Still here. It has been a busy month, with tons of rumors flying around, holidays coming and going, a changing in the budget means a change in jobs, etc. I'll have some progress shots up soon hopefully. I've been painting and building when I can. Looks...

The swarm is coming

By TheGravemind The first pictures of new tyranids are out. First up is the new hive guard pack. New weapon options that look even more like a harpoon/grapple. Supposedly not a dual kit. The other new rumor is that warriors are getting the broadside treatment and...

Tyranid troubles

By TheGraveMind  Although tyranids are my one true love, I have little hope for them in 6th edition. Even with the new book about to come out in a few months, I don't think they will work. Not the way they are. Tyranids generally use brute strength of statline to...

Army Archetypes

 By TheGraveMind Been bored at work, and was thinking about how Sisters fit into 40k. I started comparing the different armies to classic/fantasy archetypes. Maybe my Roll playing memories were just coming back to my thoughts. Space marines - paladins If I really have...

Deathwing in Apocalypse

By TheGravemind So some of you might remember I have a deathwing force I started sometime back. It was originall planned to be a Mantis Warrior first company force using deathwing rules. The 6th edition happened and terminators were supposed to be better. And then the...