by TheGraveMind | Nov 1, 2013
By TheGraveMind I'm going to be heading up to the Indiana Championship tournament in lafayette soon. I've been busy this week painting my army as I haven't had much time beforehand. Its not up to the level I was hoping for, but it is a good start and I'm really...
by TheGraveMind | Oct 25, 2013
By TheGraveMindI'm looking for 30+ of this bit. It is a standard Chaos marine helmet. I'd prefer to do a trade, I have tons of tyranid, Marine, and chaos bits. I also have a good amount of Dark eldar, Eldar, and Tau bitz to trade. I'd accept any amount I can get. I'll...
by TheGraveMind | Oct 23, 2013
By TheGraveMind So right when I'm about to give up on my Mantis warriors and Make them something else, Forgeworld releases a cool little PDF that expands Chapter tactics for tons of chapters outside of the book. Mostly badab war, but still very cool. Because not every...
by TheGraveMind | Oct 11, 2013
By TheGraveMind People at work have been making fun of me being on the calculator so much. I'm always running numbers, adding up lists and figuring out the odds. I often run the probability of doing damage from unit to unit. It helps give a good idea how much fire...
by TheGraveMind | Oct 2, 2013
By TheGravemind I managed to get a game in against a buddy of mine who has been trying to get his draigo-wing back into a competitive viable army. Now back in the day, GK and especially Draigo-wing was the bane of both my armies at the time. Nids and BA did not like...