by TheGraveMind | Sep 24, 2013
By TheGravemind Been busy working on models, actively not painting, and getting the apartment ready for the new member. Hoping he stays pretty chill so I can keep some hobby time. May also cut into my tournament travels in the long run. He's officially adopted but I...
by TheGraveMind | Sep 12, 2013
By TheGraveMind After reading some background for Night Lords while researching for my little painting project Here, I got interested in the legend behind the Terror Legion. So picking up my second 40k book every I dove in. While this isn't a full book review, I'm...
by TheGraveMind | Sep 8, 2013
By TheGraveMind Well, I had a good look through the new codex and I saw two units that I was interested in that I think got the best improvement from the last codex. The first one is .... Lascannon devastators. They were outrageously priced in the last codex, and each...
by TheGraveMind | Sep 3, 2013
By TheGraveMind So I haven't had much urge to paint recently. It is one of those things similar to Working out. Once you forget how much you enjoyed it, you think of it as work till you start again. Well I finally got the itch, but want to paint something random and...
by TheGraveMind | Aug 31, 2013
By TheGravemind I've been having a lot of fun with my Tau recently, and I wanted to go over some of my favorite weapons of theirs. Here are my top 5 Favorite Tau weapons. #5: Markerlight What Tau weapon list would be complete without Markerlights. Though I hardly...