by TheGraveMind | Mar 20, 2013
By TheGravemindAfter the IndyOpen, I took a step back from gaming, and have been working on painting. Seeing all of those well painted armies really inspired me to get more stuff done. Yes, I have that post pending as well. And here is where I came to a problem....
by TheGraveMind | Mar 2, 2013
update from the phone. three games done so far, tons of locals doing well. some of us are two and one, but still going strong pushing to make it to the limit for day two. the terrain is awesome as is the location. everyone is having a great time and there is little to...
by TheGraveMind | Feb 27, 2013
By TheGraveMindSo with just a few days away from the Indy open, there is a calm settling as everyone is working hard getting their armies ready and getting the last few practice games in before the big day. The turn out at the Kokomo tournament was really good, with...
by TheGraveMind | Feb 19, 2013
By TheGraveMind No, sadly not talking about daemonettes. I've got some old models I tested off brand primers and paint schemes on, and now I want them looking nice. So I need to strip the paint off of them, but these are plastic minis. I've only ever done metal...
by TheGraveMind | Feb 19, 2013
By TheGravemindSo the deamons have been rumored for a while now, and with warriors of chaos coming out of nowhere, I figured that was it. I didn't think the daemons would get an update.... I mean, there are tons more that need it first. Daemons are one of the most...