Tyranids take the lead

By TheGraveMind Nemesis, Knowsaj, and I went up to the G2D4 tourney ran by Spagaurtyrine this weekend. Knowsaj fought against daemons in the final round for first place, losing in the final turn. The top four places were Daemons, Tyranids, Tyranids, and Tyranids. Both...

Dark Angels revealed!

By TheGraveMindAuthor is Jeremy Vetock, (skaven writer)So this was passed on to me. Seems green marines are truly around the corner. Here are some White dwarf pictures that are out. (updating as I go)You can follow the link here to see some more.I really like the look...

Some Shrooms

By TheGraveMind  I had purchased the new under-empire basing kit not too long ago, as I was looking for some good cavernous growth to use on bases. This is one of the new kits GW came out with, and they are priced $5 more than the normal basing kits. I...

It Burns!

By TheGraveMind So I've really gotten back into my Tyranids lately, so I went back and started reading through all the ... "other" stuff in the codex. I will not honor it by calling it Fluff. I know now why I couldn't recall that much of it, I had purged it from my...

A Plague and Biomass

 By TheGraveMindI had recently gotten a game in against Nemisis and his Deathguard Tally list. Multiple objectives (3) and diagonal deployment. I got something useless on my Tyrant for a warlord trait, and I think his was something like scoring for his nurgle...