by TheGraveMind | Nov 13, 2012
By TheGravemind I've been going back and forth on some lists for my tyranids. I've been doing decent enough with them at the past few tournaments, but since Chaos got updated, I've been struggling a bit more. My one hive tyrant has been letting me down, so I've been...
by TheGraveMind | Nov 11, 2012
By TheGraveMindI've recently started up an escalation league with my tyranids. I've decided to go back and finish painting them as I've never really had a finished and well painted army. I almost had my bugs finished right before the new codex hit, but then I had to...
by TheGraveMind | Nov 7, 2012
By TheGravemind Well, the blog has been dormant for about a year now. But I'm starting to get a good flow of 40k mojo back, and I've decided to open up the blog to some of the local guys as well. As you may notice to the side, we already have two additional authors. I...
by TheGraveMind | Sep 3, 2011
Been doing some painting in my free time. Haven't been playing much actual 40k though. Well anyways, here is my WIP piranha. Obviously need to to do touch ups, highlights and details, but the general scheme is there, and I'm happy with it.
by TheGraveMind | Aug 15, 2011
So my sister volunteered at GenCon, and being the wonderful sister she is (I bought her an xbox for Christmas) She stopped by the booth that had the Erfworld (Link) people. If you don't know Erfworld, check it out. It is an online comic that is like a...