Trial by Fire results

Trial by Fire results

By TheGraveMindHere in Indy we just had a Trial by Fire tournament, which allowed both stronghold assault and Escalation as well as forge world in full. It was a tournament to test to see what actual combos could be taken, and how powerful and over the top it would...

Tyranids Day1

By TheGraveMind Ok, so the new book is out, and everyone is lamenting over the nut punch that has occurred. You can read that about anywhere. I'm going to try and go through the book, and give you a summary of where the hope is. Warlord traits: so bad, roll on BRB...

Tyranid unit leaks

By TheGravemind Seems tyranid information is hitting the web. Imperius Dominatus has a good summary of a lot of things. And Dakka dakka forums have pictures from a spanish copy if you want to confirm points costs and upgrades and such. Here Overall getting a great...

December Apocalypse

By TheGravemind    Bloomington had their December Apoc game this past weekend. They based it off of the Rescue of the Revenge mission where chaos is boarding an imperial ship. It gave everyone a pretty small deployment area, very close to each other. It also put a...