by TheGraveMind | Dec 16, 2013
By TheGraveMind So I got two shots from the codex, Hopefully more will show up on the internet soon. This is what people were saying when they were confirming Termagaunt, warrior, and genestealer rules/cost. Not the best detail, but you can see they are about the...
by TheGraveMind | Dec 13, 2013
By TheGraveMind Well, Forgeworld releasing their approved Lord of war slot concedes with my topic today very well. I wanted to bring up the topic of cost effeiciency and the blur between normal 40k and LoW slots that began a while ago. Lets look at the wraithknight...
by TheGraveMind | Dec 13, 2013
By TheGravemind So Forgeworld put out a PDF on what is considered a Lord of War. This does something good, and something bad. The good, we now basically have a good list of what is allowed, and what it's most current book is. The bad? Well, they basically allowed...
by TheGraveMind | Dec 12, 2013
By TheGraveMind Next up this week is my first game against a Super heavy in "normal" 40k. I have already played against ScreamerStar this week, so I'll now be taking the same list and facing against a Lord of War. My opponent was eager to get a game in with his...
by TheGraveMind | Dec 11, 2013
By TheGraveMind So today we are going back to Fortifications. Last time I showed a Tau Defense line. Today I'm going to show a Tyranid one. Well, what would have been if they could use it properly. Above is my quad gun that I can't shoot as per FAQ. So I had seen...