Mike Newman Speaks…

Chaos DwarfsPart 2 - First Army List and Infernal GuardAfternoon guys,So I thought for the next part of the Chaos Dwarf series we'd have a look at the first army list I wrote. (you can catch part 1 here -...

Goblin Army part 2

As promised here is the second part of the Goblin commission I recently completed; 20 Archers, a Spear Chucka and the completed Army Standard Bearer. I found that after painting the banner the central design needed bringing out a little more, so I...

Orcs, orcs, orcs, orcs! Part 2

Click here to read Part 1 first.This is the second part in my series on an Orc army that I recently painted. Last time I focused on the centre point regiment in the army, the Orc Boyz. This time around we'll take a look at everyone's favourite sneaky little...

Dwarf on Dwarf action!

Grugnar Silverbeard smites his anvil as the fiendish Chaos Dwarfs prepare to assault his forge.Lots of Dwarfs around in the studio this week! First up we have new recruit Sally's Warhammer Forge Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard. "I'm a massive fan of the old skool Chaos...

Non Metallic Masterclass

Saturday 17th saw the Non Metallic Metal Masterclass take place at Golem Towers.This was the first time we'd run an event focussed entirely on one aspect of painting, and was also the first tutorial event to be held at our new studio - so epically exciting all round!...