Chronicles of Thor – What Was Old Is Now New

I've spent a lot of time lately making this site, and my others, very search engine optimized (SEO). It works too. I have no complaints about my traffic from search engines. I've got this site running like a well-oiled machine now. When I started Creative Twilight, it...

My New Project I Wanted to Share – Miniature Hobby Tutorials

So, I've started a new site called Miniature Hobby Tutorials, and it's just what the name implies - a site full of hobby tutorials. The concept is simple, it's a directory of tutorials submitted by the community. Now, these type of sites exist already, however, I felt...

The Warhammer Underworlds Warbands with Helpful Tips & Advice

One of my favorite elements in Warhammer Underworlds (Shadespire and Nightvault) is that you can buy a new warband, have a whole new way to play, get cards to help other warbands, and have some awesome models to paint for only $30. For me, buying new Warhammer...

Learn to Paint Worn Leather for Miniatures the Quick & Easy Way

Like most miniature painters, I painted leather for miniatures the same way for years and years. That technique was to just use browns, add some highlights, and wash it with more brown. However, I always saw better painters create a more realistic look to leather with...

How to Use “The Masters” Brush Cleaner and Preserver

Proper brush care is something every hobbyist should do, and for that I recommend "The Masters" Brush Cleaner and Preserver. It only takes a few seconds to do and will increase the life of your brushes substantially. Not only that, but with proper care your brushes...