My Ironskull’s Boyz Are Painted for Shadespire (Pictures)

God. I've been working on the Ironskull's Boyz for Shadespire for months now, since April. Between limited painting times, and a difficult color to work with (I hate you orange!), the process has been very slow. That being said, as I keep saying, a draw of Shadespire...

A Word, and Looking for Some Reader Feedback as Well

Any long time frequenter of Creative Twilight will surely notice the very slow pace of articles for months now. That's a bit by design and a bit subject to life. The by design part is that I'm committing to creating quality content, and not just tossing up any and...

Thor’s Workbench: Painting Progress Update on Orruks

Small update today to show where I'm at with my Orruks for Shadespire. I know not everyone follows the blog on social media (though you should!), so not everyone has seen the current progress. I wish I were further along too. I started this warband in April...Jesus. I...

Why You Need to Seal Your Painted Miniatures for Gaming

Let me start by saying you don't have to seal your miniatures. That's a choice you can totally make. However, I would recommend that you always seal your painted miniatures and here's why. Sealing Your Miniatures Sealing your miniatures is the last step in a process....

My Thoughts on the First Shadespire Tournament I Played

This past Saturday was a Shadespire tournament at the LGS I play at. One of the cool things with these Shadespire tournaments is that Games Workshop is backing them, so there was official prize support. I can't recall the exact breakdown, but top 8 got some goodies...