How to Save Money on Warhammer 40K

Veterans will already know these tricks for how to save money on Warhammer 40K, but if you're new to the game then there's a lot to be learned because Warhammer 40K is expensive. There are a lot of little ways you can save money, especially when you're just starting...

Why I’m Enjoying Playing Specialist Games Instead of 40K

This is going to be rather off-the-cuff. It's a topic I've thought about quite a bit lately, but haven't really thought through. So, why not think it through here with you all? ;) 2006 That's the year I began wargaming - 2006. I started playing Warhammer 40K at that...

How Expensive is Warhammer 40K?

This question gets asked a lot and it's usually answered in sarcasm and vagaries. So, today I thought I would put an actual value to the question of how expensive is Warhammer 40K. A bit of a disclaimer here. Prices can fluctuate quite a bit from those listed if...

What is Warhammer 40K?

Have you heard someone refer to "40K" and wonder what the heck they're talking about? Are you mildly curious about the game, having heard about it in passing or from friends? Well look no further! For 3 easy installments of $19.99... Just kidding! This isn't an...

My Thoughts on Shadespire by Games Workshop (Review)

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is a very big departure from what I've played. Really, the only games I've played for tabletop has been Warhammer 40K and Blood Bowl. I suppose Shadespire is like Blood Bowl in that it's far more a board game than tabletop wargame....