How Is 40K 8th Edition Holding Up?

I feel by this point that 40K 8th edition has had time to air. It no longer has the airtight cellophane wrapper on it, the pages are getting worn, and that new book smell has vanished. So, I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on 8th so far and see what you all...

Chaos Possessed – Paint in Progress #1

I built these Possessed a few years ago. I had a list idea at the time for a big local tournament with them, so I put these together. Pictured below are 4 of the 7 I built, the other 3 haven't got paint on them yet. These were hobbled together with assorted bits and...

Human Team vs Dwarves for Blood Bowl Season #2

The second week of Blood Bowl saw my Human team, the Titan Bay Thunderhawks, face Benito's Dwarven team, The Miners 69'ers. This was Benito's first game in the season, and my second game; having played Kenny's Orcs last week. Benito had a higher TV (team value) on...

Blood Bowl Season #2 – First Game of the Season

Last week we kicked off (pun intended!) season #2 of Blood Bowl at my FLGS. We wrangled up 7 of us for the season, which isn't bad considering the small sampling we have. I got to play against Kenny and his Orcs. GAME TIME! Humans vs Orcs My starting roster was:...

Citadel Painting Handle Review – Is It Worth Buying?

Games Workshop put out a very simple product recently, the Citadel Painting Handle. It was released at the same time as some other related painting products, like the water pot and painting mat. So, it seems obvious GW has decided to throw their hat in the hobby...