Standish Standoff 2017 Report

The Standish Standoff is the much-anticipated annual Warhammer 40K tournament that my FLGS holds. It's a more hobby-centric event, and we all just come out for a fun day of gaming. It was a few weeks ago, so before I forget everything, I should report on it ;) Of...

Chaos Land Raider Painting Showcase

This Chaos Land Raider project has been in progress since May of this year. I had bought it years prior to starting on it as well. So, I guess you could say this has been a project for quite some time. Well, it's finally done and the Chaos Land Raider is complete....

Comic Book Battle Report: Chaos Space Marines vs Necrons

It's time again for another comic book style 40K battle report. My Chaos Marines faced Kenny's Necrons last week as we were preparing for the big local 40K tournament on Saturday. I've done this style report twice before with Kenny's Necrons, so you may recognize them...

Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #48

Another long in the making and very delayed Wargaming Bloggers Showcase! The Most Powerful Daemon God Discordian from Sepulchre of Heroes wrote a very interesting article about the Chaos Gods. More specifically, a particular Chaos God that has since disappeared from...

How to Make Icicles for Miniatures Easily

I do a snow theme for the basing of my Chaos Space Marines. It can be difficult at times to make the basing interesting. Too much snow and you've got a white base. Too little snow and it can look odd and unrealistic. Being able to add in other little snowy details,...