#communityhobby Third Edition – We’re Gaining Traction!

Here we are at the 3rd outing of #communityhobby and it's starting to gain some momentum. This is the most submissions we've had yet, and they're all from Twitter. Let's dive in! @JohnPepsDay Afternoon off so what better way to spend it than painting monkeys!...

Chaos Gods, Metal, Bones, and Tentacles – Painting Continues

I've been posting some progress shots of the Land Raider on social media, so I figured I'd consolidate them here for posterity. The Last of the Gods I did some work on the Nurgle pustule-thing on the door, and the Slaanesh claw on the lascannon sponson is done. So,...

#communityhobby 2nd Edition – Show Us Your Hobby!

A very slow start with #communityhobby, but I haven't lost hope yet. I only have a few hobbyists to showcase today, but that's fine - they get more attention that way :) Remember everyone, to get featured in #communityhobby you just have to share with us the work...

40K Comic Book Battle Report – Chaos Marines vs Grey Knights

I was going to give a dull intro to this with the usual stuff I say proceeding a battle report. Instead, I'll change it up a bit. I have been using Abaddon a lot lately. He's finally where he should be in terms of effectiveness (in my opinion), and it's hard to not...

Chaos Land Raider – Painting God Details & Looking for Suggestions

After the previous update where I did a lot of flesh work, I slowed down to work on some details that I was excited to play with. When I did the sculpting work on the Land Raider, I intentionally put in details for each of the four Chaos Gods. My warband is undivided,...