Chaos Predator – Assembled and Painting Has Commenced

Those who follow me on social media will have seen some progress updates on the Chaos Predator. However, I realized I haven't shared anything here since stripping the paint and tearing it apart. So, picture time! Chaos Predator Gallery Modeling So, since the last...

Battle Report: Fate of Konor – Week #1 (Chaos vs Wolves)

Last night some of us decided to try the global campaign that Games Workshop is doing - Fate of Konor. You can get the details of it, the first week anyway, over at Warhammer Community. The decision was spur of the moment, so nobody had prepared for the game. The...

Thor’s Workbench: The Calling of Chaos

The projects continue. I've been a bit all over the place with them the past few weeks. If one project needs downtime (IE: washes drying, glue setting up, etc.), I'll jump on to the next project. So, I've got a bit of this and that.   Raptors A unit I started a...

Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #46

Well, it's been another long break between this and the previous Wargaming Bloggers Showcase. So, these aren't brand new articles, but they're still great articles worth checking out. The Mad Mek's Workshop - Stone Base Tutorial I thought this was a great, and really...

Thor’s Workbench & WH40K 8th Thoughts

I've been getting some hobby work done since Warhammer 40K 8th dropped. I have a lot of unfinished projects (who doesn't?) that I'm finally getting around to. It's mostly been some repair work, like my Keeper, and some rebasing as well. Workbench I'm still trying to...