Chaos Land Raider – Daemonic Flesh Applied (WIP #5)

This project continues to slog along. I can confidently say that I'm nearing the end with it though. The big thing you're going to notice in this update is the daemonic flesh I applied. Prior, I had some flesh I sculpted, which was a lot more stylistic in appearance...

Chaos Spawn Painting Showcase – The Unbound

A few months ago I redid the basing on my Chaos Spawn unit. The unit was a collection of different snow basing techniques that I had tried out over the years. I thought it was time to unify the unit. I figured since the unit was finally unified, why not get some shots...

Warhammer 40K 8th Edition Review – My First Game

Obviously, one game is not going to unlock all the nuances, and depth of Warhammer 40K's 8th edition, but it's far more than no games. So, why not share some of those observations and thoughts? Game Length I got to play my first game of Warhammer 40K 8th edition on...

Chaos Land Raider: Details Are Coming Together (WIP #4)

Today I've got another small'ish update on the Land Raider. I feel like I'm getting closer to my vision, but I do still have quite a bit left to do. The door with the skull and tendons on it is just blue tacked in place at the moment. That's been the big thing I've...

Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #45

I'm slowly working on doing these more frequently, so before I forget about this one for months again, here's a short list of awesome articles. Modern Synthesist: Genestealer Patriarch Throne - The Osseous Throne Mr. Pink is someone I recently discovered thanks to Joe...