Warhammer 40K is Dead! Long Live Warhammer 40K!

I don't like to write news or rumor articles for Warhammer 40K. There are sites out there for that, and there's no need for me to be the 1,000th blog to share the same information. However, I did want to chat 40K 8th edition a bit because how can you not? An Evolution...

Chaos Land Raider: Now with Tentacles (WIP #3)

Work has been slower on the Land Raider than I had hoped. I haven't done this much sculpting on a single model before, so the wait on drying time is pretty consuming. One thing I've learned the hard way with sculpting is you're better off doing small amounts, letting...

Chaos Land Raider: the Sculpting Has Begun (WIP #2)

I had shown the rough shape this Land Raider is in week, and I mentioned my plan for it. Well, I started on that plan. Though I haven't gotten as far along as I'd like, I figured I'd show what I have done. Obviously it's still very early work. At this point I'm...

Chaos Land Raider: Work in Progress #1

I got this Land Raider years ago. I bought it used off a friend, and as you'll see below, it was/is in pretty rough shape. There's some serious gaps, and some attempts at filling those in were made prior to me getting it, and there are areas that are warped. The poor...

Wargaming Bloggers Showcase #44

Wow! It's been over 3 months since I've done one of these. I have no good excuse either. So, let's dive in. Now, these first two are from back in January, when I started collecting for this. I'm sure those bloggers won't mind traffic on some slightly older content :)...