Warhammer 40K 8th Edition on the Horizon – Thank God

So, Games Workshop has done the unimaginable and is reforging Warhammer 40K for 8th edition. If you haven't seen the article, you can check it out here. I also just learned that they have released a website for 40K. What We Know About 40K 8th The big thing to note...

Blood Bowl Playoffs: Humans vs Chaos (Round #2)

The Blood Bowl season at my FLGS has been slowly plodding along. Regular season ended early March, and we've been all this time since trying to work through the playoffs. It's like herding cats... Anyway! I finally got in my playoff game on Wednesday. I played Karl...

Want to Blog for Us? Sure You Do!

You may have noticed things have been very slow around here. I'm a bit annoyed with 40K at the moment, and haven't been able to play Blood Bowl lately. It also means I haven't been doing much hobbying either. So, the result being that there's been little posting by me...

Painting Showcase: Human Team Blood Bowl Tokens

I had finished these weeks ago but I completely forgot about them. I sealed them and forgot all about it. So, I went ahead and got some shots to show for the sake of completeness. These are the Blood Bowl tokens and balls. The tokens are used for turn counters,...